Regulatory & Professionalisation

Make you benefit from a legal assistance in labor law & a legal support, especially in the daily management of your HR

Respect regulations by following up applicable social evolutions

Follow up various legal procedures

Save time for your teams

Our solution

Our dedicated team brings you a regulatory expertise on a day to day basis


We ensure a regulatory watch and inform you at each evolution


We can contribute to the professionalisation of your HR teams throughout operational supports

In detail

  • Day to day assistance and support on all regulatory questions
  • Sharing information throughout specific HR network meetings
  • Regular communications & guidance notes sent by our team


In option


  • An assistance on specific and/or strategic themes regarding the implementation of new HR agreements and support for writting
  • Contribution to the professionalization throughout specific & tailor made training modules
  • Steering of URSSAF’s audit throughout a strategic support

Our clients

key figures

Partner companies (end of 2021)
Regulatory answers sent to our partners (2021)