Advisory regarding regulations and financing

Help you to benefit from targeted compliance solutions and financial levers’ identification

Quickly adapt your processes and your ways of working to regulatory evolutions regarding professional trainings

Integrate solutions with financial lever to your strategy

Our solution

Carry out a regulatory watch on learning and share you the information


Be in regular touch with all the learning actors in order to share feed backs and best practices or to help you to unblock a situation 


A tailor-made service , targetted, pragmatic and immedialtly applicable

In detail

  • Follow  many french learning devices, theirs variations according to different national and local actors et depending on the professional branchs:

• Funds for recruitment

• Learning for tutors

• Abounded CPF


• Collective actions proposed by the actors

• Job transitions

• Negociation of agreements …


In order to help you finding the better financial leverage according to your needs and yours employees


  • Any question on learning legacy or funding ? We are at your disposal to analyze together what you need

Key Figures

If an employee don’t receive any training for 6 years, his CPF will have ton be abounded :