Bring you secure and digitised data

Manage your HR performance

Answer various legal requirements

Our solution

A secure production of your data on all HR topics

Production and display of data relying on a suitable tool : POWERBI

A bespoke support in HR Management Control field from our experts

In detail

  • Data entry management on behalf of the client for the Group Social Reporting
  • Production of the Social Reporting, Annual Report on Professional Equality between men and women
  • Answers to INSEE’s surveys
  • Realisation of Trainess & Apprenticeships Annual Report
  • Production of standard dashboard via Power BI
  • Answers to specific & institutional surveys on behalf of clients (Pôle Emploi, DARES…)


Optional :


  • Access rights management of staff in HRIS tools
  • Surveys upon requests, assistance in the deployment of new HR agreements regarding profit sharing & incentive schemes
  • Health & Security Reporting

key figures

Training reports in 2021
Customer dashboard projects on Power BI