Interim Recruitment

Find the right candidates fitting the proposed missions

Cope with local, urgent and specific interim recruitments'needs

Enhance the quality of job applications

Ensure compliance with regulations

Our solution

More than a service provider, we are your dedicated partner

Sourcing of candidates together with our interim agencies network bound by a master agreeement contract
Identification of available candidates / Short List
Administrative management of interim contracts and interface with interim agencies


  • Sourcing

Preselection of candidates and talent pool management between entities


  • Regulatory

Validation of contracts in compliance with regulations

Legal assistance for HR teams and operational managers

Production of legal reportings (and other type upon request) Regulatory watch


  • Finance

Management of the whole interim process (addendums, invoicing, end of missions, activity dashboards…) throughout PIXID tool

Digitalisation of all contractual and financial documentation

Monitoring of invoices & master agreements’ documentation


  • Interfaces management

Being the priviledged SPOC with the accouting department

Assitance to Purchases department

Steering the relationships with interim agencies and follow up of master agreements

PIXID tool management, training, communication on tool’s evolutions

key figures

interim contracts managed per year
BUs clients today
customer needs satisfied